What role do ethics play in all AOK?

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What role do ethics play in all AOK? par Mind Map: What role do ethics play in all AOK?

1. Mathematicians create algorithms that get people fired

2. Maths

2.1. Is it morally unjust to use math for negative purposes?-->KQ To what extent can math be used to make moral decisions? OR Do mathematicians have a moral obligation?

3. Natural sciences

3.1. At what point are scientific experience justifiable?

3.2. In the amazon rainforest humans created a hydro-electric power plant for which big parts of the rainforest were sacrificed.

3.3. Kill/experiment on live people for the good of science

3.4. Create mass destruction weapons

4. Human Sciences

4.1. Experiments done on humans during the holocaust

5. History

5.1. How justifiable are assumptions made by historians?--> KQ What are the ethical implications of teaching a false history? -->

5.2. If an account is totally nationalistic or patriotic is it still justifiable to make your own assumptions? RLE - General Franco period in Spain - history was written to reflect his vision of Spain, RLS - Holocaust deniers

6. Indigenous Knowledge systems

7. The Arts

7.1. What is the limit that should or should not be filmed?--> KQ: How can we justify whether or not a film is ethically correct to produce?--> What criteria do we use to judge whether or not a film is ethically correct?

8. Religious knowledge systems

8.1. The ancient Inka´s sacrificed animals to please their Gods.