The Atmosphere

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The Atmosphere par Mind Map: The Atmosphere

1. The atmosphere is made up of air

1.1. Air takes up space

1.1.1. Air has volume

1.1.2. Air has mass

1.2. Wind

1.2.1. The heating and cooling of air makes wind

1.2.2. High winds can cause tornados and hurricanes

1.3. Air temperature can be measured

1.3.1. Windstocks

1.3.2. Thermometer

1.3.3. Weather vanes

2. Weather changes

2.1. Short term changes

2.1.1. Rain

2.1.2. Snow

2.1.3. Clouds

2.1.4. Fog

2.2. Long term changes

2.2.1. Spring

2.2.2. Summer

2.2.3. Fall

2.2.4. Winter

3. Water is present in the air in the form of..

3.1. Clouds

3.2. Fog

3.3. Hail

3.4. Snow

3.5. Ice

3.6. Sleet

3.7. Rain