Topics of Interest: Think Global!

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Topics of Interest: Think Global! par Mind Map: Topics of Interest: Think Global!

1. Obesity

1.1. Should Soft Drinks have warning lables

1.1.1. Yes:

1.1.2. No:

2. Education

2.1. College

2.1.1. student loans

2.2. School Year

2.2.1. Year Round

2.2.2. Summer Vacation

3. Programing

3.1. HTML

3.2. Python

3.3. CSS

4. Art

4.1. Photography

4.2. Painting

4.3. Web Design

5. Music

5.1. Best Bands

6. Religion or Science

6.1. Who or what created the Earth

6.2. Where did we come from?

7. Crime

7.1. Assualt

7.1.1. Rape

7.2. Child Abuse

7.2.1. Child Neglect

8. Social Media

8.1. Privacy???

8.1.1. Stalkers

8.2. Too many distractions

8.2.1. Child neglect

8.3. Kids focus too much on the internet. They get too distracted.

9. Global Warming

9.1. how do we stop it?

10. Technology

10.1. Apple

10.1.1. iPhone 6 PLUS Bend Gate

10.2. Google

10.2.1. Voted best place to work in the USA

10.3. Microsoft

10.3.1. Microsoft bought Mojang (Minecraft) Will the Prices of Minecraft and other games made by Mojang go up or down?

10.4. Video Games