Persuasive Essay

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Persuasive Essay par Mind Map: Persuasive Essay

1. Begin with choosing a topic and choosing a point-of-view. This will allow you to attempt to sway the viewpoint of your audience.

2. Be sure to include an effective hook. A an effective hook should contain at least one literary device such as a rhetorical question or personal story. This is meant to really get your reader thinking about your feeling towards your topic.

3. A strong conclusion is like having the last word in a heated debate. It is important to make sure you have gotten your point across while also leaving your reader thinking about your stance on a particular subject.

4. It is vital to use strong, descriptive words while writing this paper. This will present feeling and emotion which are two of the key points in persuasive writing. Your goal is to allow the reader to see your view on a particular topic. It is not useful to use generic information anyone could already have prior knowledge on.

5. Choose a topic you feel strongly about. How are you going to persuade someone to see the way you do if there is no emotion behind your thoughts?

6. After choosing a topic, begin mapping out your ideas. This will begin by writing a thesis which shows your view on the matter and then three main ideas which are meant to sway your audience into thinking the same way you do on your topic.

7. While mapping your main ideas, it is important to think of at least three sub-topics that will add the the main idea. This will show prior knowledge and emotion as someone is reading your paper.