Got Bounce?

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Got Bounce? par Mind Map: Got Bounce?

1. School Examples

1.1. If you have plenty of missing assignments and think there is no hope for your graduation, Talk to your teachers and ask them if you can come in before or after school to get them in. Don't give up on your school carrier.

1.2. If you are getting bullied and school you should realize that anything or anyone you talked to in school will go away after school ends and that you have your entire life ahead of you to fix mistakes and start a new you.

2. Advercity

2.1. Definition: misfortune or adverse of fate

3. Resilience

3.1. Defininition: The abilitiy to come back from being in a down time.

4. Examples in Teens

5. Personal Examples

5.1. Getting blamed for something you didn't do

5.2. Getting verbally and physically put down

6. 10 Tips To Build Resilience

6.1. 1.) Make good relationships with close family members to talk with you about things that they can help and support you with.

6.2. 2.) Try not be around a stressful event and change how you can interpret.

6.3. 3.) Accept that things will change in life and that you can't do anything to stop it.

6.4. 4.) Develop goal you think you could seriously do if you tried to get it.

6.5. 5.) Don't try and wish your problems away and instead deal with them with people around you even if you are negative about it.

6.6. 6.) Maintain some confidence in dealing with problems and devolope higher confidence as you go through life.

6.7. 7.) Think highly of yourself and trust your instincts in situations.

6.8. 8.) Keep an optimistic outlook on your future and expect good to happen to you as life goes on.

6.9. 9.) Pay attention to your own needs and wants and desires then start giving out what you don't need.

6.10. 10.) It will always feel great to help someone else when they are in need so try to help others with problems you have gone through

7. Kelton Wallsmith and Thomas Wolfe

8. Situation A: He should look at the test to become better at math then to be put down by it and try to strive to be better.