Graded Assignment Week 5

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Graded Assignment Week 5 par Mind Map: Graded Assignment Week 5

1. Marketing Strategies

1.1. Word of Mouth

1.2. Field sales

1.3. No detailed marekting strategies in place currently

1.4. Local advertising, flyers at diners, local food & convenience publications

1.5. It is clear that company is very limited in terms of work force. Therefore, working with potential customers (visiting, presentations), while running operations (roasting, delivering) to meet the demand of current customers becomes quite challenging. Especially if current customer base is comprised of many small accounts, it creates a lot of logistical work. The best strategy would be to land a few of big primary accounts and focus on them. It will eliminate the time and effort spent to fulfill many small orders given the limited workforce availability. From operational and logistical standpoint, it is better to have few bulk customers than many small accounts. Therefore, landing a couple of steady big accounts such as Monk Bread will provide with relative stability of cash inflows, then, after certain stability is attained, other segments of the market could be explored. Thus all efforts should be devoted to landing of couple of big accounts. It means going after relatively huge institutions, chains.

1.6. At the same time, company should think about long term objectives as far as 10-15 years from now. Where we want to be? In this matter, company website comes as a handy tool in order to raise awareness of ESCR brand on the regional and even global level and serves as a form of advertisement. Along with objectives to increase market share in the greater Rochester area, website allows to explore opportunities all over the USA. Thus, because of the brand's newness, activities that raise awareness should be carried out physically in the Rochester area, as well as in online community of coffee fans. For instance, company could become active member in blogs, clubs, associations and social networks advocating its products. I think we should start with creating a Facebook account for ESCR under products categories. Then if all of us become a fan of this product, we can advocate for it in this fashion. Company owner could ask his friends to do the the same thing, so the community of ESCR will be growing. If anyone will be interested in trying the product, it could be easily ordered from wonderful and interactive website that ESCR already has. For sure, this will help to reach the objective of making 5 weekly orders in 6 month from now.

1.7. Key strategies to help Evening Star Coffee Roasters achieve their goals include both a Niche and Differentiation strategy.

1.8. Niche Strategy:

1.8.1. • Evening Star Coffee Roasters has great opportunity to capitalize Niche markets by furthering their “green” eco-friendly practices as well as increasing and further leveraging the community services they are providing by partnering with local charities.

1.9. Differentiation Strategy:

1.9.1. • Emphasize the eco –friendly practices • Stronger more meaningful relationships (this may only apply to the corporate/business customers – may not hold true as he grows his consumer base) • Unique product features • Brand & Image packaging

2. Marketing Objectives

2.1. Increase and establish ESCR online, social networks, blogs

2.2. Increase local market presence

2.3. Establish a plan and presentation to impact a potential customer to switch to ESCR as a supplier.

2.4. Establish a map for creating a customer experience that can expand through feedback collection and perks for future purchases and reccomendations to the company.

3. Indentify Smart Objectives (think about the environment analysis

3.1. Specific

3.1.1. Increase customer base over next year to earn enough profit to build a new building and expand the company in the Greater Rochester Area and on the Internet

3.2. Measurable

3.2.1. 1. Cusomters: new and previous that return

3.2.2. 2. Income increases

3.2.3. 3. New equpment purchses

3.2.4. 4. New employee base

3.3. Agreed

3.3.1. Marketing Team and Jody are on the same page with the specific objectives

3.4. Realistic

3.4.1. Time frame is not rushed and Jody understands that it will take time, and it must because he will need to hire new help

3.5. Timed

3.5.1. Will take at least three years to accomplish the objectives. Each year is a benchmark for completing a step of the plan.

3.6. In 6 months, we want to have at least 5 internet sales a week. (S - internet sales, M - 5 sales, A - yes we agree, R - it is definitely realistic if the marketing plan is successful, T - 6 months)

3.7. In 6 months, we want to have $2,000 - $3,000 (or more!) of PROFIT per week in order to SAVE for the 4,000sqft facility with portion packer and k-cup machine. (S - save money to expand, M - $2k-3k per week, A - yes we agree, R - yes, realistic, currently getting 1k-1.5k per week, on an increasing scale, T - 6 months)

3.8. In 2 years, we want to have 5-10% of the local (greater rochester area) market share (S - Market share, M - 5-10%, A - yes we agree, R - it is realisti, T - 2 years)

3.9. • Increase market share by 5-10 percent within the next 2 years • Achieve and maintain average weekly profits of $2000 - $3000 within the next 6mths – 1.5 years. • Hire additional staff of 1 – 2 resources within the next 6 months to a year. • Grow current internet marketing efforts to achieve a minimum of 5 orders on average per week within the next 6 months. • Expand production within the next 1.5 years by acquiring a new 4000 sq. ft (minimum) location

4. Consider Porters work- which strategy will you advise your client to pursue and why

4.1. Strategy to pursue

4.1.1. Implement new marekting tactics, expand customer/diner base, expand online presence, and switch potential customers to current by marketing the benefits and experience that ESCR provides its custoemers.

4.2. Why????

4.2.1. The strategy is ambitious and will take time but the potential for growth and oppurtunity, the marketing team beleives that the objectives can be acheived.

4.3. In terms of Porter's model, company stands close to be a differentiator. Its clearly not a cost leader because it does not have similar economies of scale as huge coffee producers have, nor it targets a niche market. Company should present itself as a quality differentiator. Therefore, it becomes critical to develop its branding strategy. Customers should be able to identify ESCR brand as an exclusive quality product and willing to pay extra for special taste and aroma. Based on differentiation strategy, company should have strict quality control to ensure 100% quality as well as exceptional customer service. It will help the company to sustain and build on its differentiation strategy while increasing customer loyalty. So, company should first create that "quality" and then communicate it to potential customers through providing coffee samples. Though it is expensive, but it would be valuable to conduct a survey identifying the segments, tastes, behaviors and patterns of coffee consumers in order to capture the existing opportunities in coffee roasting industry. Why people prefer one coffee brand to another, and what factors affect the popularity of certain brands. Answers to this questions will help the company to channel its efforts towards popular coffee tastes and establish itself as a differentiator on the current market.