My Ideal Society

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My Ideal Society par Mind Map: My Ideal Society

1. Economy

1.1. Market Economy

1.1.1. An economy where there is free competition and price is determined by supply and demand. This will keep the members of our community wanting to strive to be better in their career making our economy overall successful.

1.2. Jobs are of different levels, as are wages making the community competitive.

1.2.1. For example, a doctor is paid more than a sales person, in turn it makes the sales person want to get a better job. Overall, this is the best choice for my utopia because it let's the leader be assured people will work due the fact they need money to get the neccessities of life and the only way to get more money is to work harder.

2. Transportation

2.1. Air and Water transportation

2.1.1. With these two types of transportation it is the most efficient way to save space and still get the job done with transporting people and goods, Air is the way to transport people and water is the way to transport large amounts of goods.

2.2. Air is mainly restricted to helicopters due to their ability to be controlled well and air transport keeps the problem of road traffic down.

2.2.1. Due to the helicopters controlling ability it helpls people get to places qucik and easy taking away traffic problems. Overall with all of these contributing factors air and water is the ideal type of transportation for me.

3. Education System

3.1. Chinese Education System

3.1.1. People are pushed to excel past others and do the best they can. If they do not do their best they will not be able to get a job due to the competitive econmoy as well as the others who try hard in the education system. This is ultimately a good choice so people will try hard and be successful creating better employees and graduates.

3.2. The utopia should hold a high graduate percentage as well as great schooling standards and successful jobs due to the large majority of people having high level education.

3.2.1. The better people do in school, the better or utopia ultimately turns out to be. Overall, this is the best possible choice for my utopia due to the competitive factor and the fact people are required to succeed to the highest standards to be successful in life. This will produce better employees for jobs and most importantly a strong economy.

4. Government

4.1. Monarchy

4.1.1. All power is held by one ruler. With a good leader who is able to control power can make this type of government very good.

4.2. Everything and everyone has to abide by the laws of one individual so if the leader is chosen poorly the government could either be really good or a terrible mess.

4.2.1. If the leader is good and makes the utopia successful with his power everything will work out. However, if a leader who is not educated in that position is elected the utopia could crumble with his poor judgement and leading. Overall, this is a risky government but if a good leader is chosen the utopia shall be uf the utmost success.

5. Energy Source

5.1. Solar Power

5.1.1. Solar Power is a obvious choice for my utopia because it can be conveniently placed on buildings. This makes for more space to be available. Since solar panels can be put on buildings it saves the utopia space.

5.2. Also, in our utopia the weather is almost always sunny and perfect to our standards due to its location so there is almost always sun light for the solar panels.

5.2.1. The weather will almost always produce energy through the solar panels. With all of these conditions my utopia will be able to have energy all the time.