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Utopia par Mind Map: Utopia

1. Government

1.1. effects

1.1.1. This will bring new types of laws, leaders, and changes to my utopia because people can choose any law or leader that they think is smart. Unlike Communism, in Democratic country you can vote for what type of leader you would like.

1.1.2. Democracy Voting for leaders

1.1.3. This will bring businesses and new ideas because people know that we are open to new ideas.

2. Education

2.1. Effects

2.1.1. Every child will have a highschool dipoma becuase they are not allowed to drop out.

2.2. Finland

2.2.1. less tests

2.2.2. They only have one standardized test. So, they have less stress studying and taking tests.

2.3. Students will develop more hobbies becuase they get extra points in school if they do or have hobbies.

3. Energy Souces

3.1. Wind

3.1.1. Wind turbines can be built using little ground space.

3.1.2. This allows farms to still be built around them and many other turbines near them.

3.2. effects

3.2.1. People get keep and clean energy saving people money and the ozone layer stays strong.

3.2.2. People may run out of energy when there is little wind for over a week, making work and money slow way down.

4. Economy

4.1. Markets

4.1.1. choice

4.1.2. People can choise whatever product they want.

4.2. Effects

4.2.1. The environment can become damaged because it is not always necessary do help the environment when you want to make money.

4.2.2. There will be bigger and better products coming out every year becuase they will have to compete with other companies.

5. Transportation

5.1. Land

5.1.1. Bikes

5.1.2. These give you good exercise and are much quicker than walking. Also, they do not need to be fueled.

5.2. effects

5.2.1. This will make are hard to travel across continents.

5.2.2. Also, it will take a long time to travel far distances becuase you can not travel through the air.