Plan your website and create the next important tasks for get your project rolling

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1 par Mind Map: 1

1. a

1.1. 1

1.2. 2

1.3. 3

2. b

2.1. 1

2.2. 2

2.3. 3

2.4. 4

2.5. 5

3. c

3.1. 1

3.2. 2

3.3. 3

3.4. 4

4. d

4.1. 1

4.2. 2

4.3. 3

4.4. 4

4.5. 5

5. e

5.1. 1

5.2. 2

5.3. 3

5.4. 4

5.4.1. 5 7 8 6