computer graphics

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computer graphics par Mind Map: computer graphics

1. Input and Interaction

1.1. 3D graphics

1.2. • Input devices

1.3. • Programming event-driven input

1.4. • Picking

2. Scalar, Points and Vectors

2.1. Geometric Objects

2.2. Coordinate-Free Geometry

2.3. vector and Affine spaces

2.4. Lines

2.5. Convexity

2.6. Dot and Cross Products

3. Affine Transformations

3.1. Rotation, Translation, and Scaling

3.1.1. Translation

3.1.2. Rotation

3.1.3. scaling

3.2. Transformations in Homogeneous Coordinates

3.3. Concatenation of Transformations

4. Open GL

4.1. The OpenGL specification describes an abstract API for drawing 2D and 3D graphics.

5. graphics pipelining

6. Clipping and Rasterization

7. Hidden Surface Removal

7.1. Backface Culling

7.2. Painter's Algorithm

7.3. Z-Buffer Algorithm

7.4. bresenhams line algorithm