Personal Learning Network

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Personal Learning Network par Mind Map: Personal Learning Network

1. Creating activities with real world applications

1.1. Activity One

1.1.1. Linear regression project Using data from a survey the students have created, they will make connection between two variable to demonstrate their relationship.

1.2. Activity two

1.3. Trebuchet

1.3.1. Building a trebuchet to model velocity and free fall of a small pumpkin using logger pro to track the data.

1.4. Point 3

1.4.1. Box of Marshmallows Modeling maximization using quadratics to form a box that will capture the most marshmallows possible

2. How the I plan to use my PLN

2.1. I will useTwitter, Face Book and other collaborative tools to gain new ideas and test ideas by using the collaborative brainstorming of social media.

2.2. Another way to develop content and resources for students is through website like Khan Academy and other such sites, which offer free and reliable help to students.

2.3. Organization is fundamental to keeping track of ideas, content, and assignments. Using many of the free content organizational tools offers quick easy and reliable access to my information from a variety of sources.

3. digg

4. Khan Academy

5. Evernote

6. Iste

7. You tube

8. Google docs

9. Goals

9.1. • Partial flipped classroom o One of my goals over the next two years is to have a digital video library of mathematical concepts, similar to khan academy, allowing students to receive extra when they struggle or miss a concept. This library would contain a serialization of all math concepts taught in order. o I would then use the class time as a mixture of mini-lessons and practice.

9.2. • More real world problems in the classroom o One of the major questions I get from students is about application- “When are we going to use this?” Creating problems that have real life application helps raise intellectual curiosity. o Create intellectual curiosity through hard to solve problems

9.3. • Try to achieve vertical integration with my peer’s content goals o A major issue I have run into in teaching is the sequencing of skills, and having missing skills where skills should exist. If my colleagues and I could develop a scope and sequence that reaches to middle school, then students could be better prepared for the challenges ahead.

10. LiveBinder Tools of my PLN

10.1. Collaboration tools

10.1.1. Twitter professional twitter forums

10.1.2. Face book

10.1.3. Google plus

10.2. Content Development

10.3. Assessments and development

10.3.1. Haiku Accelerated math

10.3.2. Powerschool