Do's and Don'ts

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Do's and Don'ts par Mind Map: Do's and Don'ts

1. Don'ts

1.1. Complete the necessary research of our genre, so we do not misrepresent the conventions of an album cover in our genre. By adding photos or effects which will not suit that particular genre.

1.2. Be sure not to place the artists name over his face, or in another position in which his name cannot be distinguished immediately.

1.3. We should have no more than two fonts and two different colours on the digipak.

1.4. Make sure not to use a long-shot for our upcoming artists as they are not

2. Do's

2.1. Find two fonts which suit each other and complement the style of the digipak.

2.2. If needed carry out a photo shoot to prevent photos becoming pix elated when stretched out in Photoshop.

2.3. Include important information such as the artists name, album title, record label, artists website and copyright info.

2.4. Do use a mid-shot or close-up of the artist, because it gives an opportunity for the audience to familiarise them self with the new artist.