Cognitive Development: Adulthood

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Cognitive Development: Adulthood par Mind Map: Cognitive Development: Adulthood

1. How does intelligence change over your life span?

1.1. What gets better?

1.2. What gets worse?

1.3. Fact: Socializing in relation to cognition was examined over a 7-year period in a study that determined that socializing with family and engagement with friends throughout life were all associated with maintained cognitive function in older adults.

2. What can be done to prevent or reduce these changes?

2.1. Daily habits

2.2. Never stop learning

2.3. Fact: Cognitive training may result in about two-thirds of subjects showing improvement. About 40% of those who had declined cognition over 14 years were returned to their predecline level.

3. What is intelligence?

3.1. Different definitions

3.2. How is it measured?

3.3. Fact:Psychologists have identified two dimensions of intelligence: Fluid intelligence, which is the genetically-determined or inherited and crystallized intelligence, which is the ability that is culturally-determined, such as through schooling or other life experiences.