Digital tools to increase academic success for the adult learner.

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Digital tools to increase academic success for the adult learner. par Mind Map: Digital tools to increase academic success for the adult learner.

1. Google

1.1. Makes a vast amount of online information accessible

1.2. Finds almost everything

1.3. Easy to use

2. YouTube

2.1. Provides great visuals

2.2. Works on portable devices

2.3. Easy to use

3. I Phone & Apps

3.1. Uses audio command

3.2. Able to download multiple apps

3.3. Allows internet access on the go

3.4. Easy to use

4. EverNote

4.1. Helps you remember ideas

4.2. Captures information in any environment using whatever device or platform you find most convenient

4.3. Makes information accessible and searchable at any time, from anywhere.

4.4. Easy to use