chapter 11 section 2: conflict over land

Plan your projects and define important tasks and actions

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chapter 11 section 2: conflict over land par Mind Map: chapter 11 section 2: conflict over land

1. Andrew Jackson

1.1. 7th President of the us

1.1.1. Project specifications

1.1.2. End User requirements

1.1.3. Action points sign-off

1.2. fought with the patriots in the American Revolution

1.2.1. Define actions as necessary

1.3. Patriot troops call him old hictory

2. Trail of tears

2.1. an event where the cherokee gets forced to removed from their land.

2.2. Scott and an army of 7000 federal soldiers led them west

3. General Winfield Scott

3.1. Forced the Cherokee off their land and led them west

3.1.1. Materials

3.1.2. Personel

3.1.3. Services

3.1.4. Duration

3.2. Removed them from their homes

4. Black Hawk

4.1. Led a force of Sauk and Fox people back to Illinois to recapture their homeland.

4.1.1. Schedule

4.1.2. Budget

4.2. Sauk chieftain

4.2.1. KPI's

5. notes

5.1. Guerrilla tactics: making surprise attacks and then retreating back into the forests and swamps.

5.1.1. Indian Removal act: an act that allowed the federal government to pay Native Americans to move west.

6. video