Conflicts Over Land

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Conflicts Over Land par Mind Map: Conflicts Over Land

1. The Cherokee Nation

1.1. The Cherokee Nation refused to follow the act, Federal government realized the cherokee, in Georgia as a separate nation with their own laws.

1.2. President Jackson didnt support the Cherokee Nation and vowed to ignore the supreme court ruling.

2. Chief Justice John Marshall

2.1. John Marshall ruled that Georgia hads no rights to mess with the Cherokee

3. Indian Rememmoval Act

3.1. The act allowed federal government to pay Indians to move west.

4. Native American Residence

4.1. Seminole were pressured in the early 1830s to singnn the treaties that would give up their land but their chief Osceola and some of his people refused to leave Florida.

5. Relocate

5.1. Relocate means move the federal government wanted the native Americans to leave their land and move west of the Mississippi River

6. Guerrilla Tactics

6.1. Guerrilla tactics was a tactic were they would do surprise attacks then run back into the forest and swamps.

7. Chief Black Hawk

7.1. Black Hawk led a force of Sauk and Fox back to their homeland which was Illinois.