Science 14 Unit D: Matter and Energy in the Biosphere: ...

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Science 14 Unit D: Matter and Energy in the Biosphere: Should we continue to extract oil from the Alberta oil sands? par Mind Map: Science 14 Unit D: Matter and Energy in the Biosphere:                                                          Should we continue to extract oil from the Alberta oil sands?

1. explain the role of living systems in the cycling of matter in the biosphere (e.g., food chains)

2. assess the costs and benefits of technological developments that produce materials the ecosystem cannot recycle (e.g., disposable plastics, heavy metals)

3. assess the impact of modern agricultural technology on the natural pathways of recycling matter

4. identify and assess the needs and interests of society that have led to technologies with unforeseen environmental consequences

5. describe, in general terms, the characteristics of two Alberta biomes

6. define ecosystems in terms of biotic and abiotic factors

7. describe how various abiotic factors influence biodiversity in an ecosystem

8. explain how biotic relationships can be explained in terms of the movement of matter and energy, using food chains, food webs and energy pyramids

9. describe how interactions among organisms limit populations

10. assess the impact of the introduction of exotic species on a specific ecosystem or biome

11. describe the relationship between land use practices and altering ecosystems

12. trace the development of a technological application that has altered an ecosystem

13. Chapter 12: The Web of Life

13.1. 12.1 What is Energy?

13.2. 12.2 Storing Energy From the Sun

13.3. 12.3 Energy Pathways in the Ecosystem

13.4. 12.4 Energy Transfers

13.5. 12.5 The Cycles of Matter

14. Chapter 13: Populations

14.1. 13.1 Changing Populations

14.2. 13.2 Population Growth and Decline

14.3. 13.3 Limiting Factors

14.4. 13.4 Biotic Limiting Factors

14.5. 13.5 Human Impact

15. Chpater 14: Ecosystems and Biomes

15.1. 14.1 Ecosystems

15.2. 14.2 Climate and Land Ecosystems

15.3. 14.3 Location and Soil

15.4. 14.4 Biomes

15.5. 14.5 What Threatens Diversity?

16. Chapter 15: Protecting the Environment

16.1. 15.1 Producing More Food

16.2. 15.2 Producing More Energy

16.3. 15.3 Producing More Products

16.4. 15.4 Why So Much Waste?

16.5. 15.5 What Can We do?

17. explain how biodegradable materials reduce the impact of human-made products on the environment

18. describe, in general terms, how water, carbon, oxygen and nitrogen are cycled through the biosphere

19. explain why the flow of energy through the biosphere is linear and noncyclical

20. compare the recycling of matter by society with the natural cycling of matter through ecosystems

21. explain how various factors influence the size of populations; i.e., immigration and emigration, birth and death rates, food supply, predation, disease, reproductive rate, number of offspring produced, and climate change