Q&A Assignment 1

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Q&A Assignment 1 par Mind Map: Q&A Assignment 1

1. Content

1.1. Three or more sections

1.1.1. Section 1: Introducing your grammar theories

1.1.2. Section 2: Discussing the application of your grammar theories in context

1.1.3. Section 3: Critically evaluating the grammar theories

1.1.4. Section 4: Personal Statement

1.2. Extensively researched

1.3. Supported by credible resources

1.4. Supported by credible resources

2. Presentation

2.1. complete content

2.2. include a summary

2.3. including a reference list

2.4. be hyperlinked

2.5. be multimodal

2.6. be accessible

2.7. be coherent and appropriate

3. Marking

4. Publication