What I did that is good for the brain

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What I did that is good for the brain par Mind Map: What I did that is good for the brain

1. Protection

1.1. Helmet

1.1.1. Riding a bycycle

1.2. Goggles

1.2.1. Doing sports

2. Care

2.1. Enough Sleep

2.2. I keep social

2.2.1. Talk with friends

2.2.2. Talk with family

2.3. I think positive

2.3.1. Always feel happy

2.3.2. Don't think about negative things

2.4. I challenge the brain all the time

2.4.1. Do difficult mathematic sums

2.4.2. Do new things

2.4.3. Think about some challenging problems

2.5. Learn new things

2.5.1. Enable brain cells to make new connections between them Stronger brain connections Keep the brain healthy

2.6. I adapt to my lifestyle

2.6.1. Protect my brain

3. Food

3.1. Omega-3

3.1.1. Salmon

3.1.2. Tuna

3.2. Vitamin C

3.2.1. Broccoli

3.2.2. Cauliflower

3.2.3. Brussel Sprouts

3.2.4. Cabbage

3.3. Vitamin E

3.3.1. Nuts

3.3.2. Avocado

3.3.3. Seeds

3.4. Flavornoids

3.4.1. Chocolate

3.5. Antioxidant Powerhouses

3.5.1. Blueberries

3.5.2. Black Berries

3.5.3. Rasberries

3.5.4. Build healthy connections between brain cells

3.6. Fiber

3.6.1. Grains

3.7. Water

3.8. Caffeine

3.8.1. Tea

3.8.2. Coffee

4. Exercise

4.1. Doing sports

4.1.1. Five time a week

4.1.2. More than 30 minutes

4.1.3. Can help increase the size of the hippocampus increase the memery

4.1.4. Generates a chemical B.D.N.F. Makes new brain cells