Habitats Life Science-Grade 2

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Habitats Life Science-Grade 2 par Mind Map: Habitats Life Science-Grade 2

1. EX) Clown Fish

1.1. 1) Ocean

1.2. 2) Salt Water: -Tropical -Sub-tropical -Coastal

1.3. 3) Uneaten food from their host sea anemone, zooplankton

1.4. 4) 6-10 years in wild

1.5. 5) Humans, large fish, eels, and sharks

1.6. 6) Sea anemonea

2. What is a habitat?

2.1. Mother Earth Habitat Video

3. Types of Habitats

3.1. Home Habitat

3.1.1. Ask students what is in our habitat

3.2. Animal Habitat

3.2.1. Desert http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3c/Amargosa_desert.jpg Desert Habitat

3.2.2. Rainforest http://www.rainforesteducation.com/ForKids/rainforest.JPG Forrest Video

3.2.3. Arctic http://www.earthtimes.org/newsimage/arctic-sea-ice-loss-lets-pacific-sea-life-atlantic_266.jpg Arctic Habitat

3.3. Find habitats for different animals

3.3.1. Create habitat charts

4. Chart Questions

4.1. 1) Does this animal live in a body of water or on land?

4.2. 2) Where does this animal specifically live?

4.3. 3) What does this animal eat?

4.4. 4) How long does this animal live?

4.5. 5) Does this animal have any predators?

4.6. 6) What makes up the animal's home?

5. Lion Habitat

6. CHECK IT OUT http://pbskids.org/wildkratts/habitats/