Web 2.0 Tools

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Web 2.0 Tools par Mind Map: Web 2.0 Tools

1. Collaboration Tools

1.1. Google Drive

1.1.1. Can be used by Teachers, Students, and Administrators.

1.1.2. Google Drive was created by Google to give users access to their files from anywhere that has internet access. Users are also able to share their files with friends and colleagues which allows for collaboration. There is no limit to how many users can work on one file. Teachers can collaborate with students, other teachers, or principles. They can work on live documents, presentations, or create forms to collect information.

1.1.3. www.google.com/drive/

1.2. Padlet

1.2.1. Can be used by Teachers, Students, and Administrators.

1.2.2. Padlet is set up like an online whiteboard where users can record their thoughts, ideas, or share information. This is a great exit ticket for teachers to use with students as well as administrators to use after a PLC.

1.2.3. www.padlet.com

1.3. Gliffy

1.3.1. Can be used by Teachers, Students, and Administrators.

1.3.2. This tool can be used to create diagrams, Venn diagrams, flowcharts and various other kinds of diagrams online. Gliffy can be shared and edited by multiple users at a time. This would be great for teachers and Administrators to present and share data with.

1.3.3. www.gliffy.com

1.4. Skype

1.4.1. Can be used by Teachers, Students, and Administrators.

1.4.2. Skype allows for a spoken conversation with someone over the internet by using a webcam. Skype could be use to connect students to other students around the world without leaving the classroom or can allow administrators to conduct interviews with candidates who are unable to make a physical appearance.

1.4.3. www.skype.com

1.5. Twiddla

1.5.1. Can used by Teachers, Students, and Administrators.

1.5.2. This tool is a web-based meeting place where users can collaborate and brainstorm using photos and graphics on a blank canvas. Teachers can use this to brainstorm with other teachers. Students can do the same and Administrators can use it with faculty and staff or other principles in the district.

1.5.3. http://www.twiddla.com/

2. Creative Tools

2.1. Glogster

2.1.1. Can be used by Teachers, Students, and Administrators.

2.1.2. This tool allows for users to create virtual posters by combining text, audio, video, images and links to share their ideas with others. Teachers could use this to engage students in lessons. Students could use it to present information they are learning about. Administrators could use it to share information with their staff in an engaging way.

2.1.3. www.glogster.com

2.2. Animoto

2.2.1. Can be used by Teachers, Students, and Administrators.

2.2.2. This tool allows for the user to make a creative videos on a computer or mobile device without requiring a lot of knowledge or training on how to use video editing software. Teachers and Administrators could use this for engagement and sharing information. This a fun and creative way for teachers to assess students, assign presentations, or give presentations.

2.2.3. www.animoto.com

2.3. Blabberize

2.3.1. Can be used by Teachers, Students and Administrators.

2.3.2. This is a photo editing tool that creates talking animations from photos or other images. This can be fun to use and allows the user to make their presentations in a creative way. Fun and creative way to assess students without using the traditional paper and pencil test.

2.3.3. www.blabberize.com

2.4. Make Beliefs Comix

2.4.1. Can be used by Teachers, Students and Administrators.

2.4.2. This tool provides templates for users to create a comic strip. It provides different backgrounds, characters, and scenarios. This tool provides a fun way for users to share information in an engaging manner. This is another creative way teachers can assess their students over material being taught in the class. Principles can use it to deliver information to their staff.

2.4.3. www.makebeliefscomix.com

2.5. Go Animate

2.5.1. Can be used by Teachers, Students and Administrators.

2.5.2. This tool provides a way for the user to create an animation that can be used to deliver information and share ideas while being creative. This is a great way for teachers to assess students without paper and pencil. Administrators can use it to engage their staff.

2.5.3. www.goanimate.com

3. Communication Tools

3.1. Kidblog

3.1.1. Can be used by Teachers and Students

3.1.2. Tools teachers can use to teach students how to communicate and publish their ideas online. It also provides a safe environment for students to learn to be responsible digital citizens.

3.1.3. www.kidblog.org

3.2. Twitter

3.2.1. Can be used by Teachers, Students, and Administrators.

3.2.2. This tool allows for the users to communicate and share ideas with friends, families, colleagues, or anybody with similar likes and interest by "tweeting". Teachers and administrators could use this to tool for a PLN.

3.2.3. www.twitter.com

3.3. Prezi

3.3.1. Can be used by Teachers, Students, and Administrators.

3.3.2. This tool allows for the user to create a visually pleasing presentation that flows from idea to the next. Teachers and administrators could use this for a presentation.

3.3.3. www.prezi.org

3.4. Photpeach

3.4.1. Can be used by Teachers, Students, and Administrators.

3.4.2. This tool helps the user tell a better story using photos to create a slideshow to better engage the audience. The presenter can include music, pictures, and comments. Teachers can use this to enhance their lessons and engage their students. Administrators can use it for the same purpose with their staff.

3.4.3. www.photopeach.com

3.5. MindMeister

3.5.1. Teachers, Students, Administrators.

3.5.2. This tool can be used to share information with classmates, friends, or colleagues in a mind map format.

3.5.3. www.mindmeister.com

4. Global Awareness Tools

4.1. Google Earth

4.1.1. Can be used by Teachers and Students

4.1.2. This tool allows for the user to travel the world without leaving their seat. Users can get up close to monuments, buildings, and landmarks by using this virtual 3D globe. Teachers can use this to take virtual field trips that they would not otherwise be able to take.

4.1.3. www.google.com/earth/

4.2. Voice Thread

4.2.1. Can be used by Teachers and Students

4.2.2. This tool is an interactive collaboration and sharing tool that allows its users to add images, documents, and videos but also allows other users to do the same (by responding). One example of how this tool exemplifies global awareness is the ability to make virtual tours of cities or historical landmarks. Teachers could use this tool in class with students when presenting on historical events.

4.2.3. www.voicethread.com

4.3. 360Cities

4.3.1. Can be used by Teachers and Students

4.3.2. This tool has the largest collection of stunning, interactive panoramic photos created by thousands of photographers from around the world. Teachers could use this to show students a real life image of a location they could not travel to otherwise.

4.3.3. www.360cities.net

4.4. CNN student news

4.4.1. Can be used by Teachers and Students.

4.4.2. This tool gives the user access to current events going on around the world. This particular tool is geared more towards middle school to high school age students. Teachers could use this to keep students updated on current events and hold class discussions as to how those events effect us.

4.4.3. http://www.cnn.com/studentnews

4.5. Instagram

4.5.1. Teachers, Students, and Adminstrators

4.5.2. This tool connects students to other users around the world by taking, uploading, and sharing photos. Teachers could use this to connect their students to other students from around the world

4.5.3. www.instagram.com