What Trees Provide For Us

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What Trees Provide For Us par Mind Map: What Trees Provide For Us

1. Gives oxygen

1.1. Trees take in carbon dioxide and give off oxygen which is what human need to breathe!

1.2. The more trees the cleaner our air is

2. Homes for Animals

2.1. Many animals make their homes in trees.

2.1.1. Frogs

2.1.2. Monkeys

2.1.3. Birds

3. Shade

3.1. On hot days people can depend on trees for shad and an opportunity to cool off.

3.2. Trees can also provide shade for animals as well.

3.3. Some plants depend on the shade from trees to grow.

4. Grows Food

4.1. There are many fruits that grow on trees.

4.2. People take the sap from trees to make maple syrup.

5. Provides Products

5.1. Any product made of wood comes from a tree.

5.2. Paper is also made from trees using pulp.

5.3. Our houses are also made from trees, because the frame of the houses are wood!