Selecting the right digital tool

Find the right structure and content for your course and set up a syllabus

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Selecting the right digital tool par Mind Map: Selecting the right digital tool

1. Building Portfolios

1.1. Blogger

1.2. Wordpress

1.3. Mahara

2. Presentations

2.1. Powerpoint

2.2. Prezi

2.3. Slideshare

2.4. Videoscribe/Sparkol

2.5. Zaption

3. Build Community: Introductions

3.1. YouTube

3.2. Voice Thread

3.3. Powtoons

3.4. Videoscribe/Sparkol

4. Group Projects: Collaboration

4.1. Google Docs

4.2. Wikis

4.3. Padlet

4.4. Evernote

4.5. Linoit

5. Social Media

5.1. Facebook

5.2. Twitter

5.3. Pinterest

6. Synchronous Collaboration: Video

6.1. Skype

6.2. Google Hangout

7. Cloud Document Storage (and sharing)

7.1. Google Drive

7.2. OneNote

7.3. Evernote

8. Assessments

8.1. Kahoot

8.2. hifikids

8.3. Socratic

9. Polls/Surveys

9.1. Survey Monkey

9.2. PollEveryWhere

10. Remembering

10.1. Social Bookmarking: Delicious

10.2. Mind Maps!

10.2.1. mindmeister

10.3. Quizzes: Quizlet

11. Group Presentations
