Mobile Apps

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Mobile Apps par Mind Map: Mobile Apps

1. Communication/Management

1.1. Twitter

1.1.1. Can be used by teachers or administrators.

1.1.2. Communication, Professional Development, Social Networking

1.1.3. Principals can use this app to communicate with both parents and staff about upcoming events, meetings, deadlines or professional development opportunities (for staff). Teachers can also use this app to communicate with students or parents about what is going in the classroom and upcoming deadlines.

1.2. Class Dojo

1.2.1. Can be used by teachers or administrators.

1.2.2. Communication, Behavioral Management, Data

1.2.3. Teachers can use this app to record student behavior to manage the classroom as well as to communicate with parents about student behavior in the classroom. Principals can use this app to collect data on student behavior and to have an accurate history of student behavior. Allows administration to have access to behavioral data.

1.3. Three Ring

1.3.1. Can be used by teacher or adminstrators.

1.3.2. Evidence, Portfolio, Communication

1.3.3. Teachers can use this tool to record evidence and data for student grade (competency based grading system). Parents can have access to this app so they can see students work as it is uploaded to the website through the app. Administrators could use it to create portfolios on teachers and their growth plans.

1.4. Animoto

1.4.1. Can be used by teachers and administrators.

1.4.2. Easy, Communication, Engaging

1.4.3. Animoto is a video creation service that produces video from photos, video clips, and music into video slideshows. Teachers can use this for their lessons. Principals can use it in their presentations during PLC. The school in general can use it to update parents on what is going on in the classroom or in the school as a whole.

1.5. iCal

1.5.1. Can be used by teachers and administrators.

1.5.2. Organization, Management, Communication

1.5.3. Teachers can use this to communicate with parents, students, other teachers, and the building principal about upcoming events and even lessons be covered in class. Principals can also use this in the same manner but mainly to keep teachers, staff, and parents updated on upcoming events.

2. Collaboration

2.1. Prezi

2.1.1. Can be used by teachers and administration.

2.1.2. Easy to use, Presentation, Collaboration, Communication

2.1.3. Teachers can use this in the classroom to present information to the students. Principals can use this app to present information to their staff and coworkers. It is created with the user in mind making it user friendly and allows more than one user to work on a presentation at a time.

2.2. iBrainstorm

2.2.1. Can be used by teachers and administrators.

2.2.2. Easy to use, allows for collaboration, brainstorming

2.2.3. Teachers can use this with teachers, students with students, teachers with students, administrators with administrators and teacher with administrators. The combinations are endless as this app allows for the users to brainstorm together real time.

2.3. Popplet Lite

2.3.1. Can be used by teachers and administrators.

2.3.2. Mind mapping, brainstorming, collaborating.

2.3.3. Can be used to generate ideas, make connections, jot down notes, and collaborate with others while doing so. Principals can use this app to brainstorm with staff. Teachers can use it to brainstorm with students.

2.4. Evernote

2.4.1. Can be used by teachers and administrators.

2.4.2. Focus, Collaborate, Notetaking

2.4.3. Evernote is an app that can be used by teachers, students or principals to take notes on a topic in a quick organized manner. Users can use this app to take notes on projects, meetings, or committees.

2.5. Splashtop

2.5.1. Can be used by teachers and administrators.

2.5.2. Control, Collaboration, Communication

2.5.3. The user can use this app to "splash" his screen onto another. It also allows for other users to interact with that screen. Teachers can use this during lessons or group projects, while principals can use it during meetings or trainings.

3. Common Core/Curriculum

3.1. Common Core

3.1.1. Can be used by teachers.

3.1.2. Lesson planning, curriculum

3.1.3. This app puts the common core standards in one place for easy access.

3.2. Scootpad

3.2.1. Can be used by teachers.

3.2.2. Lesson planing, common core standards, customizable.

3.2.3. This app uses common core standards to create lessons, quizzes, and assessments that give students instant feedback.

3.3. Educreations

3.3.1. Can be used by teachers.

3.3.2. Creativity, Differentiation, Lesson Planning

3.3.3. This app can be used by both teacher and students. Teachers can use it to create video lessons over anything they may be teaching. Students can also do the same allowing them to be engaged in a lesson.

3.4. Showme

3.4.1. Can be used by teachers.

3.4.2. Creativity, Differentiation, Lesson Planning.

3.4.3. This app is very similar to educreations. Showme allows the user to use a digital whiteboard to create a video presentation to relay information using drawings, images, and text.

3.5. Splash Math

3.5.1. Can be used by teachers.

3.5.2. Lesson Planning, Curriculum, standards.

3.5.3. This app is very similar to scootpad, allowing the user to customize what students are learning. It creates quizzes, activities, and assessment aligned with your schools curriculum.

4. Virtual Tours

4.1. Google Earth

4.1.1. Can be used by teachers

4.1.2. Fun, Easy, Exploration.

4.1.3. Google Earth uses satellite images to allow students to explore the planet without leaving the classroom. Students can get up close and personal with historical landmarks, cities, and geological objects.

4.2. Tour Wrist

4.2.1. Can be used by teachers.

4.2.2. Fun, Easy, Exploration.

4.2.3. Tour Wrist uses 360 panoramic pictures to share locations from around the world. This app can be used to engage students in social study or geography lessons while allowing the ability to explore.

4.3. Speed Geography Lite

4.3.1. Can be used by teachers.

4.3.2. Fun, Easy, Geography

4.3.3. This app can be used to quiz students on world geography questions.

4.4. Stack the States

4.4.1. Can be used by teachers.

4.4.2. United States, Local, Fun

4.4.3. This app can be used to get students familiar with the United States including states, cities, and capitals.

4.5. Your World

4.5.1. Can be used by teachers.

4.5.2. Exploration, fun,

4.5.3. Your World is a way to learn the countries, capital cities, and landmarks of the world. This app places countries, territories, landmarks and cities onto a high resolution 3D globe. With full HD and translucent oceans on the iPad.