The magic of the Government and the Economy

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The magic of the Government and the Economy par Mind Map: The magic of the Government and the Economy

1. How should the government adress externalities and public goods?

1.1. They make public works like bridges and roads so the people don't get charged for it.


1.3. North Korea takes credit for making public goods when it was really the money masters who made them. It also creates an externality that helps their economy because they need people to pay to get in and maintain the pool and bath.

2. What does the government do to promote economic well-being?

2.1. The government raises and lowers taxes to pay for public works and to help the people. Depending on how the economy is going they will raise taxes on companies if it is bad and lower them when things are good.


2.3. In the Article you can get a really good idea of how well each state is economically by how much tax they put on cars and property. North Dakota has no car property tax and is around the middle for land tax.

3. How does the government Protect Property rights?

3.1. You pay them taxes on your land and they say you own it.


3.3. The government seized the land to do what they want. Some people are saying they use it as a weapon to get what they want and others say they are using it to help the people.

4. What regulatory roles does the government do?

4.1. Stuff N Things

4.2. Personality

4.3. Positioning