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Leadership par Mind Map: Leadership

1. Honesty

1.1. The act of being honorable in principles, actions by using fairness and uprightness

1.1.1. When managing a team yor suboordinates are a reflection of you, therefore if you hold this at a high standard and make it a so will your juniors.

1.1.2. In order to get what you expect from your temam you must do the same for the, during the luncheon this was very important for me in oder to keep my team engaged in the task. I was open and upfront with them so they were fully aware of what was happening good or bad. In order for everyone to feel like they were really a part of what was happening.

2. Communication

2.1. The interchange of ideas, thoughts, opinions or information

2.1.1. Communication is very vita and crucial l in getting your point across to a larger group of people, it may be clear in your head what needs to be done but the important part of this is clearly expressing your opinions/ideas to a group.

2.1.2. In past work experiences, this has been very vital when it comes to training new workers; this is due to the fact that you have to explain a whole new world to them and it is important that you have good skills in order for them to understand what they need to do.

3. Confidence

3.1. Full trust; belief in the power, trustworthiness, or reliability of a person or thing

3.1.1. Keeping confidence levels high is essential in maintaining a confident team; if your confidence falters so will their's. Your peers are putting their trust in your hands, so even in the face of conflict it is essential to keep spirits high so your team does not face a setback.

3.1.2. A leader has to have a certian level of confidence since your group will look at this and work off of it. When running for Formal Chair in Grade 11, I had to muster up a lot of confidence in order to go up in front of the whole school and make a speech. As a leader this confidence gave people something to aspire to be since a lot of people are afraid to step out of their comfort zones like this.

4. Commitment

4.1. The act of doing or performing as promised

4.1.1. If you expect your team to work hard and produce quality results a leader must lead by example. There is nothing more motivating then seeing a leader get down into a task, in showing your dedication to a task you will not only earn the respect of your team but this will instill a hardworking nature into your peers.

4.1.2. During the luncheon, being the director of the group it ws very important in keeping committed during the process even when it got hard since no matter what we had to perform at the end of the day. Being committed to having a really good final product was important in ensuring that what we needed done happened.

5. Intuition

5.1. Direct perception of the truth or of fact independent of any reasoning process

5.1.1. Intuition is important when leading a group, but it can be tricky since this is based off a pure gut feeling of how to solve the problem at hand. Having this quality is extremely important because it allows you to make a proper guess on how to best solve the problem at hand.

6. Inspiration

6.1. The process of filling one with animating, quickening or exalting influence

6.1.1. Inspiring a group of people to do something, at times can be very difficult, as a leader you must inspire your group to get things done and make them feel invested in the accomplishments and tasks at hand. This is essential because inspiration is the driving force of leading a team, without this you have no way of keeping them engaged.

7. Positivity

7.1. The state or character of being positive; which is to have a good attitude towards the situation at hand

7.1.1. The happier and more engaged your crew is the better your outputs will be and the more motivated your team will be. In order to keep spirits up, team members must have a person to look to, since this is the case it is necessary for managers to look on the brightside of any situation, if not spirits of your team will be dampened and it will be difficult to rebuild this.

8. Creativity

8.1. The state of having the power of creating; resulting from originality of thought, expression or imagination

8.1.1. Some choices will not always be clear cut and you must come up with different solutions to specific problems, this is where creativity is important in

9. Compassion

9.1. A feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanined with a strong desire to aliveate this suffering

9.1.1. The importance in compassion as a leader allows you to connect better with suboordinates and can help you build better relationships with them. In being compassionate peers will be more likely to come to you with problems so you can solve them together instead of them covering them up.

10. Reslience

10.1. An ablility to recover from change or misfortune effectively

10.1.1. Reslience is important in leadership since it is you ability to be able to bounce back from problems and finding a solution for them quick and in an effective fashion. Even leaders make mistakes since they are performaning in a high-paced enviornment but your ability to admit these mistakes and work to fix them will allow your subordinates to be more trusting in you when they run into dificulties.