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Tourism: par Mind Map: Tourism:

1. Positive

1.1. -Helps the country's economy

1.1.1. Increases the country's popularity

1.1.2. Foreign Investment

1.1.3. Brings in Powerful Currency Vietnam- USD, Pounds, Euros Chinese Yen, The Chinese population spends about 40 billion dollars annually for external tourism

1.2. -Experience new culture.

1.3. Increases Job Count in Host Country

1.3.1. Socio-Cultural Sustainability: Getting locals into the tourism business

1.4. Encourages Multi Culturalism

2. Negative

2.1. -Uses a ton of fuel, which is already limited.

2.2. -Provokes nationalist sentiment

2.2.1. Concerning the feelings of a group or nation as a whole

2.3. -Dilute local culture

2.4. -Creates dependency on tourism income

2.4.1. If something happens to the country, then people will not travel there, which destroys the economy.

2.5. -Environmental Damage

2.5.1. Pollution

2.5.2. Damage in Monuments In 2012, there has been a count of 187 people arrested due to vandalism on Egyptian Pyramids

2.5.3. Tourist Traffic

2.6. -Lack respect for Culture

2.6.1. Dress Cultures Temple of Emerald Buddha: Cover shoulders and knees!

2.6.2. Behavior Standards