My Personal Learning Environment

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My Personal Learning Environment par Mind Map: My Personal Learning Environment

1. Tools to share information

1.1. Blackboard

1.2. Moodle

1.3. Google drive

1.4. Skype

2. Tools I use to learn

2.1. Books

2.2. Google

2.3. You tube

2.4. Word reference

2.5. What´s up Application

2.6. Scholar websites

2.7. On line dictionaries

3. Devices I use to learn

3.1. Computer

3.2. Cell Phone

3.3. Ipad

3.4. Overhead projector screen

4. How I learn

4.1. Lectures

4.2. Conversation Clubs

4.3. Songs

4.4. Journals

5. Who I learn from

5.1. Parents: Meaningful experience

5.2. Teachers: Pedagogical experiences

5.3. Students: Share experiences

5.4. Colleagues: Improve my learning

6. Places where I learn

6.1. Home: My first learning experience

6.2. School: My improvement of my first experience

6.3. Field trip: Other pedagogical environment which reinforce my learning process