What you want to learn

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What you want to learn par Mind Map: What you want to learn

1. Movie

1.1. genre

1.1.1. horror

1.1.2. comedy

1.1.3. romance

1.1.4. action

1.1.5. drama

1.2. age group

1.2.1. teenager

1.2.2. young adults

1.2.3. adults

1.2.4. retired

2. English

2.1. conversation

2.2. manner

2.3. business English

2.4. tests

3. Studying

3.1. memory

3.2. knowledge

4. Sports

4.1. fun

4.1.1. competition

4.1.2. sweat

4.1.3. drama

4.2. watch

4.3. play