Post US Civil War

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Post US Civil War par Mind Map: Post US Civil War

1. Blacks

1.1. Ratification of 14th and 15th Amendments

1.2. Jim Crow Laws

1.2.1. Legitimization of anti-black racism

1.2.2. Whites were superior to Blacks

1.2.3. Form of Social control for whites

1.2.4. Violated constitutional rights

1.2.5. Violence Lynchings

1.3. Plessy Vs. Ferguson

1.3.1. "Separate" but "Equal"

2. Jews, Italians and Irish

2.1. Confinement

2.1.1. Occupations

2.1.2. Living areas

2.2. Experienced racism from Whites

2.3. Treatment similar to Blacks

3. Whitening

3.1. Whites were upper class

3.2. Being "Middle Class" was a sign of becoming white

3.3. "Real Whites" came from North West Europe

3.4. Religion

3.4.1. Protestant vs. Catholic

3.5. Removal of social barriers

4. Spanish American War

4.1. Imperialist power

4.2. Cubans, Puerto Ricans and Philipinos were seen as second class

4.3. Segregation between White and Black soldiers

4.4. Immigration as a result of the war