StageVITA Suite

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StageVITA Suite par Mind Map: StageVITA Suite

1. Feature Requests

1.1. Current

1.1.1. StageVita Doesn't need to do anything

1.1.2. Digital Playbill

1.2. Future

1.2.1. Accounting

1.2.2. Stage Blocker 1 Stage Blocker Exists

1.2.3. Audition Manager Nothing out there right now

1.2.4. Rehearsal Manager Apps already exist Lower Priority

2. Audience

2.1. Theater Goer

2.2. Talent

2.3. Technical Support

2.4. Administration

2.4.1. Theater Owner

2.4.2. Stage Manager

3. Revenue Generation

3.1. Ads

3.1.1. Local

3.1.2. National

3.1.3. Service Offerings

3.2. Revenue Share

4. Global Consideration

4.1. Credit Card is 3rd Party

4.2. 13 years of and older TOS

4.2.1. Has Lawyer

4.3. Wireframing and Prototyping is done in live prototype sites

4.4. Login with Social Meda

5. Digital Playbill

5.1. Challenges

5.1.1. Light from phones

5.1.2. Digital Preview Truthout may use this?

5.2. Follow this admin experience

5.2.1. Add

5.2.2. See Preview Low Priority

6. StageVita

6.1. Alpha is launched

6.2. Manually managed

7. StageVitae

7.1. Possible Tech

7.1.1. JomSocial Ad Agency? Ask Chris

7.2. Need to go in and create their resume

7.2.1. 1 Profile for free account

7.2.2. 2 or more for next level Can Zoo handle this?

7.3. QR Code Generator

7.4. Be able to print out resume

7.4.1. Owner of Resume can determine if someone can print

7.4.2. Be able to send as PDF

7.4.3. Concerns about Print Layout

7.5. Goal

7.5.1. End Printing Headshots and Resume's

7.5.2. Get more work for theater talent