Cielo Esmeralda Díaz

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Cielo Esmeralda Díaz par Mind Map: Cielo Esmeralda Díaz

1. Specialized in

1.1. Master of Social Sciences

1.2. Master of Philosophy

1.3. Master of Political science

2. I admire her by:

2.1. The high quality of person who is

2.2. Learn to earn the respect and admiration

2.3. He has a tenacious intelligence

3. Their methods ofteaching they are verycharacteristic

3.1. Tell the reality through of the facts

3.2. share your themes in form critical

3.3. He tells us things of every day to take into account

4. Things that I don't like

4.1. It is sometimes altered too

4.2. It is very tanning... ja ja

4.3. It is the last year that we will see

5. My favorite teacher is characterized as

5.1. Uncomplicated at the time speak or act

5.2. Tell the things of good to first

5.3. It is serious but at the same time is funny