Chapter 4 & 5

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Chapter 4 & 5 par Mind Map: Chapter 4 & 5

1. Mirelli's Story

1.1. Says she never experienced childhood.

1.2. Comes from a broken home.

1.3. Was able to overcome her childhood and have a stable family in the later years of her life.

1.3.1. Still biter about her experience and her outlook on life out on the streets.

2. Chapter 4: No Time for Childhood

2.1. Ilha Grande Prison

2.1.1. crentes Religious conversion of prisoners.

2.1.2. Pedro Paulo Serving fifteen year sentence for the arme robbery of two apartments on the Lago. Gloria's first born son. Threatened his "woman" that if she had his child aborted, he would kill her. Consequences of sex; abortion isn't an option. Spent a good amount of his youth in an out-of-state correctional institute

2.2. "Job" of a man

2.2.1. According to Pedro Paulo: Put food on the table for his family, and as long as this is taken care of, he can sleep with any woman he wants.

2.3. Street children

2.3.1. Urban violence

2.3.2. Favela gangs

2.3.3. Seen as a nuisance - middle and upper class citizens don't see them as needing help, but instead as something negative to their community.

2.3.4. Not nurtured children These children take on responsibilities at a very early age.

2.3.5. Being thrown out on the streets wasn't rare and in fact happened to a lot of children, although some joined the street life by choice and left their home on their own accord.

2.3.6. There were harsh discipline and punishment to these children if they were taken in by a mother figure (like Gloria) or anyone else. "Being cruel in order to be kind." Harbors a feeling of familial togetherness.

2.4. Lucas's Story

2.4.1. Child circulation / child shifting

2.4.2. Came from an extremely impoverished situation. Led to him becoming malnourished

3. Chapter 5: State Terror, Gangs, and Everyday Violence in Rio de Janeiro

3.1. Crime & Violence

3.1.1. "talk of crime" The middle and upper class fear of the crime on the streets More propoganda than anything Upper and middle classes relatively get little exposure to the crime. Crime is experienced differently in different: Classes Races Genders Locations

3.2. Gangs

3.2.1. Drug consumption Perception varies from class to class. Can be viewed as problematic, dangerous, a method to make money, etc. Trafficking Plays a large role in the function and structure of these gangs. Creates a power struggle between other gangs (and perhaps even internally).

3.2.2. Distinct awareness of the inequities of the Carioca wage system The nature of entrapment is socioeconomic for these gang members and affiliates.

3.2.3. Offers a place of belonging and a sense of identity

3.2.4. Can be perceived as a nuisance. Hard for young men to ignore the gang presence without getting involved either for or against the local gang.

3.3. "Police-Bandits"

3.3.1. Colludes with criminals

3.3.2. Corruption within the police system.

3.3.3. Ignores the justice system on the individual's discretion.

3.4. Policing

3.4.1. Violence is experienced in profoundly different intensitie according to socioeconomic class Police force mete out different punishments based on class.

3.4.2. Poor are criminalized more.