Frankenstein's Family

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Frankenstein's Family par Mind Map: Frankenstein's Family

1. RESPECTED-VICTORS FATHER- "He was respected by all who knew him for his integrity and indefatigable attention to public business." (shelley 1)

1.1. CARING- VICTORS FATHER-"My father loved Beaufort with the truest friendship and was deeply grieved by his retreat in these unfortunate circumstances"(Shelley 1)

1.1.1. HELPFUL- VICTORS FATHER- "-with the hope of persuading him to begin the world again through his credit and assistance." (Shelley 1)

2. COURAGEOUS- CAROLINE- "her courage rose to support her in her adversity" (Shelley 2)

2.1. CAROLINE- CARING- " her time was more entirely occupied in attending him;" (Shelley 2)

2.1.1. CAROLINE-HARDWORKING- "She procured plain work; she plaited straw and by various means contrived to earn a pittance scarcely sufficient to support life. " (Shelley 2)

3. LOVEABLE-ELIZABETH-"Everyone loved Elizabeth" (Shelley 4)

3.1. ADORED-ELIZABETH-"The passionate and almost reverential attachment with which all regarded her " (Shelley 4)

3.1.1. CALM-ELIZABETH-"Elizabeth was of a calmer and more concentrated disposition"(Shelley 5)