Standards Reflection

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Standards Reflection par Mind Map: Standards Reflection

1. Challenges

1.1. The biggest challenge of the Common Core State Standards is the stress and pressure that is put on the schools. I think that a lot of teachers are affected by this stress and pressure which results into teachers rushing though material and not being able to take their time and to teach diligently.

1.2. Another challenge is from having these Common Core State Standards teachers begin to teach to the test. They forget that education is more than standardized tests and focus only on that. They teach their students how to test and what to know for the test, rather than teach for the students to obtain a wealth of knowledge.

1.3. The last challenge I am going to focus on is that by having the Common Core Standards it doesn't account for the students who have no yet "accomplished" that standard, which makes it hard for the teacher when it comes to teaching that child the next year. They will be behind in the curriculum, but the teacher will feel as if they have no choice but to continue with that year's standards.

2. Strengths

2.1. One strength I think Common Core Standards have is it helps keep the teacher honest with his or her teaching. It basically gives them a timeline of how their curriculum should be planned out.

2.2. The last strength I wanted to focus on was that Common Core Standards allow teachers to put their own creative spin on the material. They give the teachers a set of standards that the students need to learn in that particular grade and it allows the teachers to make the material integrated with other subjects, collaborate with their colleagues, and use different approaches to teaching.

2.3. Another strength is that by having the Common Core State Standards every student will be essentially learning the same material at the same time. This means that if you have a new student they most likely will be at the same spot as the rest of your class, academically. This makes it not only easier for the teacher, but also the students as well.