Lesson Planning

Plan your lessons and the goals of your lessons as well as including important content

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Lesson Planning par Mind Map: Lesson Planning

1. Notes

1.1. Lesson or Series Title

1.2. Goals of Each Lesson

1.3. Objectives

1.4. Reasoning

1.5. Content

1.6. Method of Instruction

1.7. Method of Evaluation

2. Javascript

2.1. Introduction

2.2. Variable/syntax

2.3. Objects,Array,Functions

2.3.1. TASK

2.3.2. Form Validation

2.4. DOM

2.4.1. Browser Compatibility

3. Css

3.1. Inline,External,External

3.2. Selectors:pseduClass

3.2.1. Task

3.2.2. Border,background,position Margin,padding

3.3. RSD(Responsive Web design)

3.3.1. TASK

3.3.2. Viewport,Grid,Wedia

3.4. Css3(Not require much)

3.4.1. Browser Compatibility

4. Resources

4.1. W3School

4.2. People

4.3. Facilities


5.1. Introduction

5.2. HTML

5.2.1. Task form table List

5.2.2. Prerequisites

5.3. HTML5

5.3.1. Task Web pages

5.3.2. Prerequisites

6. Web Fundmentals

6.1. Request/response cycle

6.2. Http/urls

6.3. FrontEnd/BackEnd

6.4. Role of HTML,CSS,Javascript