American Revolution

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American Revolution par Mind Map: American Revolution

1. Mercantilism

1.1. French and Indian War

1.1.1. Proclamation of 1763

1.2. Navigation Act

1.3. Currency Act

2. Government Influences

2.1. Checks and Balances

2.2. English Bill of Rights

2.3. Magna Carta

2.4. Freedom of Speech

3. Self-Governed

3.1. House of Burgesses

3.2. Mayflower Compact

3.3. Albany Plan of Union

3.4. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

4. Enlightenment

4.1. Thomas Hobbes

4.2. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

4.2.1. Social Contract

4.3. Baron de Montesquieu

4.4. Voltaire

5. Start of the Revolution

5.1. Battle of Lexington and Concord

5.2. Siege of Boston

6. Taxation

6.1. Stamp Act

6.1.1. George Grenville

6.1.2. Declaratory act

6.2. Sugar Act

6.2.1. Revenue Act of 1766

6.3. Tea Act

6.4. Vice-Admiralty Court in Halifax

6.5. Townshend Act

7. Redcoats

7.1. Quartering Act

7.2. Salutary Neglect

7.3. Boston Massacre

7.4. Writs of Assistance

8. True Sons of America

8.1. Thomas Paine

8.1.1. Common Sence

8.2. Sons of Liberty

8.2.1. Non Importation Agreement

8.2.2. Paul Revere Revere's Ride

8.2.3. Joseph Warren

8.2.4. Thomas Jefferson Deceleration of Independence

8.2.5. Samuel Adams

8.2.6. John Hancock

8.2.7. Benjamin Franklin

9. Acts against Britian

9.1. Boston Tea Party

9.1.1. Intolerable Acts

9.2. Stamp Act/First Congress

9.2.1. First Continental Congress Continental Association

9.3. Declaration of Rights and Grievances

9.4. First Great Awakening

9.5. The Glorious Revolution