VGville #16
par Luc Prévost
1. Comment traduire "gross stuff" en français?
2. Une découverte : l'oignon patate
2.1. La particularité de cette variété provient du fait qu’elle se multiplie de manière végétative par la base et ne produit aucune semence. Youppi! On peut donc sans craindre cultiver un autre oignon à côté sans risquer une pollinisation croisée.
3. Étude
3.1. Le chat domestique (Felis silvestris catus) ne montre pas d'attachement particulier pour ses maitres...
3.1.1. Conclusion It seems that generally cats do not appear to attach to owners as a focus of safety and security in the same way that dogs do or children do towards their parents as demonstrated by their behaviour in a strange situation test. However, cats do appear to have a different relationship with their owner compared to a stranger, but the extent to which this is conditioned as a result of incidental interactions or built upon the fulfilment of an intrinsic psychological social need is unknown.