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Minerals par Mind Map: Minerals

1. Rocks

1.1. 1.) Igneous

1.1.1. This is formed by: cooled magma deep in the Earth

1.1.2. Granite

1.2. 2.) Sedimentary

1.2.1. This is formed by: when sediment is deposited in the air.

1.2.2. Sandstone

1.3. 3.) Metamorphic

1.3.1. This is formed by: The minerals are formed chemically and that creates metamorphic rocks.

1.3.2. Marble

2. Minerals are found in rocks

3. Rocks are studied by geologists

4. Properties

4.1. Color

4.2. Size

4.3. Shape

4.3.1. Octahedron

4.3.2. Tetrahedron

4.3.3. Cube

4.3.4. Rhombohedron

4.4. Luster

4.4.1. Glassy

4.4.2. Brilliant

4.4.3. Dull

4.5. Transparency

4.5.1. Opaque

4.5.2. translucent

4.5.3. Transparent

4.6. Hardness

4.6.1. Use Glass

4.6.2. Use Copper

4.6.3. Moh's Hardness Scale

4.7. Acid Reaction

4.7.1. Fizzes

4.7.2. Doesn't fizz

5. Definition: Non-living, Solid, Found on Earth, Crystalline Structure.

5.1. 1.) Diamond

5.2. 2.) Coal

5.3. 3.) Calcite

5.4. 4.) Limestone