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Tim par Mind Map: Tim

1. Thinks

1.1. At the start of the book Tim thinks he is a private investigator, my text evidence for this is : 'Herbert calls himself Tim Diamond. He also calls himself a private investigator'. Neither was true. pg 2

1.1.1. In the middle of the book Tim realizes that he is part of a bigger thing which is helping M16 find a national fugitive. My text evidence is on pg 32 where Mr Waverly said, ' "I have a proposition for you." he said. "I want you to work for me. We have to find Charon and you can help" '

2. Says

2.1. At the start of the book Tim said, "Things aren't so bad. I'll get a case sooner or later". This makes me think that Tim really believes that he will get a case and that he will be able to solve it. pg 3

3. Does

3.1. At the start of the book one thing Tim does that affects the whole story is help McGuffin find Charon. My text evidence is: I picked up McGuffin's coat, meaning to hang it back on the hook. As I lifted it, something fell out of one of the pockets. It was a key. There was a plastic tag attached to it and in bright red letters: Room 605, London International Hotel. I looked at the key. Tim looked at me. We were involved alright.