Bullying brainstorm

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Bullying brainstorm par Mind Map: Bullying brainstorm

1. What they left out: I think they didn't leave that much out to be honest. They covered most of the general bullying surface. The only thing i would have added, is the reason to bullying, and what causes it.

2. Questions

2.1. When did the parents realize the extent of bullying?

2.1.1. When they found her collapsed on the ground in their driveway. After her trying to kill her self.

2.2. What did they do?

2.2.1. They started their own bully watch group, to help others. Also the mother slept with her for the next week to comfort her.

2.3. How did the school react?

2.3.1. The school suggested her to change school.

2.4. Why did Cheerie booth react?

2.4.1. To raise awareness of the subject bullying.

2.5. In what ways were Emma bullied?

2.5.1. She was peer preassured into taking drugs. And then they started calling her names, cause she refused. Even though she ended up doing the drugs anyway. She also received death threats through texts, and also was physically abused.

2.6. Which was the worst kind of bullying do you think?

2.6.1. Verbal abuse. As it makes you wanna end up taking your own life. It's not instant. It goes over time, and it kills you inside. No joy, no happiness. It'll make you only see the bad things in life.

3. Grading of the adjectives

3.1. Down 1

3.2. Upset 2

3.3. Grived 3

3.4. Shattered 4

3.5. Miserable 5

3.6. Heart broken 6

3.7. Depressed 7

3.8. Devastated 8

4. What can you do against bullying?

4.1. School uniforms

4.2. Bully watch groups to prevent bullying

4.3. Social groups to help making friends, so no one gets left outside

4.4. Remove public grading system

4.5. Make everyone equal in school

4.6. Make sure everyone fits in, and just generally raise awareness of the subject