Ethics for life

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Ethics for life par Mind Map: Ethics for life

1. From this link: I was able to find statistics that showed how little faith the common American people have in our current moralities. This loss of trustworthiness is only getting worse. Even if it is not entirely factual, the perception is almost just as important as it clearly shows a distrust in the way current ethics and morals are throw to the way side

2. I do realize that ethics can sometimes be hard to prove factual. I wanted to focus on how having integrity early on will make it easier to navigate tougher choices down the road in a personnal or professional career. Having integrity ties into ethics very much. This correlation has to be made.

3. Using this source it will be nice to have somewhat of a subjective backround on how a lot of different types of ethics are tied together.

4. Like I stated earlier because ethics can sometimes be subjective I decided to use a reference from life coaches that run seminars ect. Some of the information that they share can be a bit helpful when putting in perspective the importance of integrity

5. I did quite a bit of reading to find the quotation I would like to share. "If leaders fail to understand that leadership is about interpretation there is a greater tendency for them to fall back on the conventional individualistic approaches to leadership, which is likely to make ethical leadership problematic because leaders become pre-occupied with their own image as leaders rather than their ethical responsibility to others." (Knights/O'Leary 2006) This I found after doing quite a bit of digging in the AMU library. I will use this quote to tie into my overall idea that if you can not find the ethics in your early life it will only become harder when you get into a leadership position later in life. You have an ethical and moral responsibility to people around you and people you lead. This could even be brought to leading as parents. You may be concerned with how your kids or spouse perceives you so you act a certain way, but in reality you have an obligation to do what is what.

6. "The time is always right to do what is right". I would like to use this quote to open up your mind into understanding what it is to be ethical.

7. This particular essay I want to focus on not having all these thoughts and ideas going on to confuse readers or leave them wondering. I would like to show how all these topics tie into not only the student life, but the rest of your life. Everyone has a decision and some changes you can never turn back from. It is important to stay true to your morals and do what is right for yourself, and all that you represent.

8. This author draws the conclusion that things like capital punishment and large issues are easy to form a decisive opinion about because we lack the means to actually affect the way it is actually handled. He says that day to day issues such as reporting a wrong doing at work, or telling a friend he thinks his wife is cheating on him are much more difficult because you have to directly see and affect the outcome.