Copy of WyoCourses Advising Pilot

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Copy of WyoCourses Advising Pilot par Mind Map: Copy of WyoCourses Advising Pilot

1. Technical/banner integration

1.1. Degree checks

1.2. Individualize student path

1.3. Integration with degree works

1.4. Course request form online

1.5. Google docs

1.6. Dropbox

1.7. Basic/generic student mockup

1.8. Doodle or some scheduling software

1.9. Look at transcript & find classes at the same time

2. Communication

2.1. Students

2.1.1. Individualizations

2.1.2. Have opportunity for student to communicate back

2.1.3. Provide ideas for graduates

2.2. Other advisors/faculty

2.2.1. Training advisors

2.2.2. Scholarships

2.2.3. Templates

2.3. Scheduling

2.4. Information for ALL advisees

2.4.1. Create general vodcasts

3. Information decimination

3.1. Global information

3.1.1. Athletics schedules

3.1.2. Navigate wyoweb

4. Student Success

5. Confidentiality

6. Administration

6.1. Standardized method of showing degree requirements

6.2. Standardized path that ends with primary advisor

6.2.1. Is this profile actually helpful for students? Fresh start

6.3. NCAA %

6.4. Store additional information

6.5. Tracking of students

7. Student as the hub