Most Common Spring Cleaning Mistakes

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Most Common Spring Cleaning Mistakes par Mind Map: Most Common Spring Cleaning Mistakes

1. Not preparing all tools and detergents ahead of time

1.1. Make a list of all the cleaners and tools you'll need and get them a couple of days before you start the cleaning

2. Doing it only in Spring

2.1. Cleaning is an ongoing task. Don't leave it all till Spring.

3. To save yourself the trouble - book Fantastic Cleaners Sydney - a professional cleaning company

4. Diving in without a plan

4.1. You need a detailed step-by-step schedule

5. Doing it all alone

5.1. Get as much help from family members as you can

6. Trying to do it all in a single day

6.1. Proper Spring cleaning takes time and you should space it out in a few hours over the course of a week