My favorite Places

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My favorite Places par Mind Map: My favorite Places

1. Great Britain

1.1. London has a very cosmopolitan culinary.

1.2. Their typical food is rice, chips and fish.

1.3. People arent xenophobic there, but they allways hope you to adapt to theiir routines and cotidian way of life.

2. United States

2.1. I went firstly to the state of Califronia. The people of this region mostly like to eat mexican food.

2.2. The people of California are very polite, but when its four of July(Their independence day), they get crazy.

2.3. The people of washington and New York are like the opposite, they are crazy and when they are in the independence day they are more serious.

2.4. The people in Washington and New Yourk allways eat hot dogs and pretzels, its like their "arepita".

3. Panama

3.1. The city of Panama characterizes by its skyscrapers in the center of the city. The canal gives to the city a unique touch.