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Energy par Mind Map: Energy

1. Thermal Energy

1.1. Total potential and kinetic energy related to the motion of all microscopic particles in an object.

1.2. The total potential and kinetic energy related to the motion of the object.

1.3. Molten metal and machines.

2. Chemical Energy

2.1. The energy stored in chemical bonds.

2.2. The energy stored in chemical bonds.

2.3. Gasoline and coal.

3. Electrical Energy

3.1. Energy associated with electric charges.

3.2. Energy that is associated with electric charges.

3.3. Lightning and flashlights.

4. Nuclear Energy

4.1. The energy stored in atomic nuclei is known as nuclear energy.

4.2. Energy stored in atomic nuclei.

4.3. Nuclear fission and heat and the light of the sun.

5. Potential Energy

5.1. Energy that is stored as a result of position or shape

5.2. Stored energy as a result of positon or shape

5.3. When a musician pulls the strings of her cello and when you pick something up and hold it

6. Mechanical Energy

6.1. Energy associated with the motion and postion of everyday objects

6.2. The energy that is associated with the motion and position of objects

6.3. Bouncing balls and sprinting athletes.

7. Electromagnetic Energy

7.1. A form of energy that travels through space in the form of waves.

7.2. Energy that moves through space.

7.3. Visable light and X-rays

8. Kinetic Energy

8.1. The energy of motion.

8.2. Motion is Kinetic energy.

8.3. Someone walking and someone running.