Teaching Different Learning Styles

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Teaching Different Learning Styles par Mind Map: Teaching Different Learning Styles


1.1. Spatial Learning; Information is associated with images.

1.1.1. The learning style requires learners to see what they are expected to know.

1.2. How to teach a visual learner.

1.2.1. Allow their picture to "load". When asked a question they may need time to construct a mental image in their mind to find the answer.

1.2.2. Organize in color code Using colors to highlight information will help your child “see” information on the page, and recall it later. It's a great way to visually call out text in a somewhat pictorial way.

1.2.3. Have visuals in the classroom, and when learning material. Powerpoint, prezi, posters, etc. Anything a student can physically look at.


2.1. Kinesthetic Learning: learner must DO things for them to have the best chance of learning.

2.1.1. Remembers best the things they experience

2.2. Allow tactile-kinesthetic students to take breaks during lessons and move around

2.2.1. Encourage tactile-kinesthetic students to write down their own notes. Encourage tactile-kinesthetic students to stand or move while reciting information or learning new material


3.1. Person learns through listening

3.1.1. Learner takes in information best when they can hear it. These students benefit from hearing things read aloud, and flourish during oral presentations.

3.2. How to teach an auditory learner.

3.2.1. Re-phrase points, questions. Vary speed, volume, pitch, as appropriate, to help create interesting aural textures. Incorporate multimedia applications utilizing sounds, music, or speech (use tape recorders, computer sound cards/recording applications, musical instruments, etc.).