Why are our oceans in trouble?

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Why are our oceans in trouble? par Mind Map: Why are our oceans in trouble?

1. Deep sea excavation

2. There is a connection between humans and deep sea excavation because humans do deep sea excavation.

3. There is a connection between boats and humans because humans drive boats.

4. Natural Disaster

4.1. Tsunami

4.2. Earthquake

4.3. Climate Change

4.4. Volcano

5. Boats

6. Humans

6.1. Tourism

6.1.1. Scuba divers Finning Breaking coral to collect

6.2. Pollution

6.2.1. Oil spills

6.2.2. Human Trash Plastic bags

6.3. Fishing

6.3.1. Fish

6.3.2. Fishing nets

6.3.3. Over fishing

6.3.4. Illegal fishing

6.3.5. Dynamite fishing

6.3.6. Unsustainable Fishing Some fish became extinct in as little as 4 years. Jelly Fish Might be the only wild fish still alive soon

6.3.7. Fishing