Post U.S. Civil War

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Post U.S. Civil War par Mind Map: Post U.S. Civil War

1. There was still a search for expansion in the U.S.

1.1. Though U.S. was on the battleship Maine to protect American citizens there was still a sense of expansion for Cuba land. This is why the mains explosion triggered war with Spanish.

1.2. Many Irish and other traveled to the U.S. in hope for protection or better.

1.3. There was so many migration to the U.S. in 1882 that laws were made some excluding Chinese of any right, deportation of Mexicans, etc.

2. Laws and policies were created for several races, theses laws and regulations showed the difference in power between races.

2.1. Penal Laws were created that developed many restrictions for African Americans for example where they can dine or if they can vote.

2.2. Amendments and other laws were also created to have equality between races.

2.3. Different forms of policies like GI Bill, FHA, and VA mortgages were made to distinguish racial privileges.

3. There was a search or theory on what made someone white or how someone can become white.

3.1. There were policies that made it possible for other races to be seen as white.

3.2. White was no defined by a persons blood or skin color any longer.

4. There was reconstruction in political holdings.

4.1. Reconstruction created a political house where blacks began to be involved and have there voice.

4.2. Though the Africans began to have rights and a voice violence and threats began toward those that supported this idea by the ku klux klan.

5. Policies created a division between races wealth.

5.1. In the housing market after the war, blacks were looking for homes but it was difficult because the housing market believed just one colored family living in the suburb will decrease that suburbs value.

5.2. Mexicans and Africans were not allowed in certain areas for some time there was segregation in education, churches, solons, etc.

5.3. There were Suburbs for only whites and others location of houses only for blacks. This created a distinctions in which homes were wealthier.

6. The color of skin became just a mild distinction between different races.

6.1. No matter the skin color other races were less superior to whites. For example, Irish were referred to as "niggers turn inside out" and blacks referred to as "smoked Irish."

6.2. Within the Irish itself there were different groups of Irish. Groups differentiating in culture, language, etc. Even within this race there was distinguishing between themselves on whose superior.

7. Wars and altercations began between different races.

7.1. American Spanish War began. This was began because of U.S. protecting its citizens from the Spanish when Cuba was fighting for its Independence with them.

7.2. Plessy vs. Ferguson case, case ending with the courts stating segregations didn't conflict with 14th amendment there is separation but still equal.

7.3. There was also non-violent protesting: Rosa Parks, Sit Ins by college students, marches like Selma, etc.

7.4. There was a Red Scar in 1919