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My training plan par Mind Map: My training plan

1. Core skills

1.1. Are a group of skills that are key to learning and working in today's world. Employers have identified these skills as those that are most likely to be needed in any work environment.

1.1.1. Communication Oral Communication Written Communication

1.1.2. Numeracy Using Graphical InformationUsing Number

1.1.3. Information and Communication Technology Accessing Information Providing/Creating Information

1.1.4. Problem Solving Critical Thinking Planning and Organising Reviewing and Evaluating

1.1.5. Working with Others Working Co-operatively with Others Reviewing Co-operative contribution

1.1.6. Creativity Design of campaigns in print and web design develop strategies

2. Introduction course in Neuromarketing and consumer neuroscience.

2.1. It will go through to the basic concepts of the human brain, the elements of the consumer mind, how it is studied, and how its insights can be applied in commercial and societal understandings of consumer behaviour.

3. Green marketing

3.1. This course aims to help me to develop and applied campaigns for products eco-friendly and how to create awareness in the consumers about how important are this kind of products nowadays.

4. Marketing through social media

4.1. This course aims to teach you how to use social media or any digital platform, to increase your market share and take advantage of your presence in the web with the most popular social networks.

5. Soft skills

5.1. Refers to various behaviors that help people work and socialize well with others. In short, they are the good manners and personality traits needed to get along with others and build positive relationships.

5.1.1. Communication skills

5.1.2. teamwork and collaboration

5.1.3. Adaptability

5.1.4. problem solving

5.1.5. Critical observation

5.1.6. conflict resolution

5.1.7. creativity

6. Marketing analytics

6.1. This course will provide me many tools to measure brand and customer assets, perform regression analysis, and design experiments as a way to evaluate and optimise marketing campaigns.